
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  • ability to schedule posts
  • small bug fixes
  • Added excerpt support
  • Added custom URL permalink support
  • Added font colour and styling check
  • Added check for removing empty lines while exporting
  • Added support for bulk export from Google Sheets
  • Small bug fixes
  • Support CDN for images for custom post type
  • Added YouTube iFrame automation from a YouTube link
  • Added twitter iFrame automation from a twitter link
  • Image optimisation support using TinyPNG api key
  • Image issues checking for size and alt-text




Version 1.2 - March 23

  • Add "nofollow" to all links
  • Make links open in new tab
  • Featured image support
  • Small bug fixes
  • Page type support added
  • Custom post type support added
  • Update support for post, page and custom post added
  • Generate HTML from a Google Doc
  • Export post from Google Docs with images
  • Support all types of elements